Never underestimate someones potential, it is limitless for all of us.
Never forget moving forward is all that matters. Throw the bench marks out and look for progress forward and be proud!
Never hold back an "I am sorry" ever. People who have difficulty or can not say it don't often take a hard enough look in the mirror. This is a red flag!
Never forget to recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses, growing stops when you stop acknowledging your weaknesses and your world becomes smaller.
Never stop asking, inquiring and being there for those you love. Real strength is often not taking control and charging in to do something or rescuing but holding someones hand for things of which no one has control.
When you say "I love you" make sure you are saying you love all of them, not just an image of them you have created to fit your world. We are all made up like a puzzle, denying one piece of the puzzle means denying the whole picture.
Speak your mind with kindness, honesty and from the heart. A good heart always shines through.
At the end of the day take a few minutes to recap and count all your blessings, say a pray, and send good thoughts to all. ( Ok, so I am human, and a couple of extra good thoughts and prayers for those who are close to your heart.)
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